Monday, December 5, 2016

December Angel Paper Doll - Day 5

Sometimes I come across something amazing that I never would have thought about on my own.  Today's outfit is just that!

I use Pinterest a lot to organize inspiration.  I love Pinterest! My dad decided to unfollow me because I posted too much stuff and it made him crazy!! That's when I discovered the joy of secret boards... Anyway, today's outfit is based on a really cute vintage Christmas card illustration.  I don't know what it was about the mid-20th century and using candy colors and pastels at Christmas, but I really like it!

Right-click to download and print

The pink hair is the best! I rarely create non-natural hair colors.  In this instance, I thought I'd translate the vintage inspiration as closely as possible & the little angel on that card had pink hair. And the poinsettias! Pink poinsettias are an honest-to-goodness thing and I love them.

More outfits coming tomorrow.  Let me know what you think about this year's series!


  1. This is super cute and I agree, totally unexpected for a Christmas paper doll.

    1. I found a lot of really colorful mid-20th century cards that were really beautiful. They were a great source of inspiration!


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