
My art out in the world:

Portfolio site
Paper doll books available at Paper Doll Review
Paper Dolls available from 

Paper Doll Sites:

*This is not a comprehensive list! If you're not on here, let me know! There are so many terrific things out in the world & it's impossible to know about all of them :)

Paper Thin Personas
Rachel creates beautiful paper dolls in a combination of traditional & digital media.  Lots of free downloads, too.

Miss Missy's Paper Dolls
Melissa's site features a mix of original art & vintage finds.  There's a little something for everyone!

Teri's Paper Doll Land
Terrific resource for vintage fun! 

The Original Paper Doll Artists Guild (OPDAG)
For artists & collectors.  They publish a quarterly paper doll magazine, Paper Doll Studio.  Also has a sister site, Paperdoll Review, where you can purchase paper dolls.  Really the go-to place for paper doll art in my opinion.

Liana's Paper Doll Blog
Liana's blog hasn't been updated since 2015 but there are still loads of beautiful paper dolls to print and play with.

Pop Culture & Paper Dolls
Comic Book Paper Doll Chronicles and 19th Century Paper Dolls (boots)
The two older sites have now been condensed into a new site featuring paper dolls from the previous sites as well as new projects.  Although she hasn't updated in ages, there are still loads of diverse subjects: you might see a zombie hunter one day and a reimagined 19th century serial paper doll the next.  Really great stuff.

A Dutch (and English) paper doll site.  Beautiful line art in a vintage style.  Very pretty.

#PaperDollGroup on deviantArt
Features paper dolls, Flash dolls, and lots of doll-related items.  There are lots & lots of dolls here, as well as a number of links to other paper doll sites.


  1. Hello, I love what you're doing here, it's just amazing! I was checking the sites you recommend as well, unfortunately "A Time for paper dolls" seems not to be working anymore, so do you by any chance know where I can see their work?

    Thanks a lot and keep up the fantastic work :D

    1. thanks for checking out my paper dolls! Looks like A Time for Paper Dolls was removed. I knew she was going to stop drawing for a while. I wish the blog was still up. She had some lovely line drawings....

  2. Hey, I'm trying to subscribe, but when I click on the link, I get sent to a page full of computer garbage. Am I doing something wrong?

    1. Hey Chalyn! It may depend on what browser you're using. I can only seem to get the subscribe link to work in Firefox. Microsoft Edge and Chrome both don't work. Not really sure why. I wish I had a better answer for you!

  3. I got it figured out. My girls (all five of them!) are really enjoying your work. Thanks!

  4. I finally finished my paper doll. Now I am looking for a connection to like minded artist. I stated a blog on word press just a couple of days ago. I would like to connect with you and show you some of my work. I am sure you are a busy person but if you can take a look or have someone contact me I would be very grateful.
    Thank you

  5. Hello!
    I'm Lola, an italian paper doll wearing clothes designed by real fashion designers.
    I hope to meet you all soon:
    FB: paperlola
    INSTAGRAM: lolapaperdollofficial

    Paper hugs

    1. Hi!! I've sen your project on Instagram! Very cool. I'll be following along....!!

  6. maybe add my site? Lol. If you wish, of course


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