Terms of Use

Please remember that all writing & images are copyrighted by me unless specifically stated.  As such, also keep in mind that all dolls and instructions are for personal use only.  Print & play with as many dolls as you like in a non-commercial manner.

Feel free to contact me about commercial uses, including educational.

For more information about my art, please see my portfolio site, www.julie-matthews.com and feel free to email me at jamatthews13@gmail.com.

Thank you for respecting (and enjoying) my work.

-- Julie Allen Matthews


  1. My daughter loves fashion and she is obsessed with these adorable Friday Fashion Dolls!

    1. Thanks so much! I love knowing that there are kids playing with these. I'm developing a baby doll to go along with the Friday dolls (I'll start posting those January 2015) and I hope she loves those, too!

  2. Wow, I am so thrilled to find this site! I had a paperdoll blog when I was in my teens for a while... but I would've died to have the tutuorials on this site then. I had no idea how to do so many things, and while I learned some and got creative, it ultimately led to the blog kind of dying. Just the photoshop clean up tutorial would have saved me so much frustration with scans that looked terrible. But maybe someday, armed with all this new info, I'll start it up again!

    1. Thank you SO much! I'm always excited to know that people are using the lessons that I write. Part of learning is teaching and every time I write a lesson, I learn a little bit more myself.

      I think you should start creating again. It's never to late. I created paper dolls as a kid, long before I had access to a computer (or before the internet at all... I'm getting old!) and then I stopped for a while. I focused on fine art in my teens & 20s, only working on paper dolls in between "serious" projects. Once I had kids, I found I had more time for digital art and less time for painting. So that's how this blog was born!

      I write the lessons so that they're easy to follow. I aim them at older kids or early teens, but really anyone could follow along. Start creating again -- and send me a link when you do!

  3. I love the toddler paper dolls even more than I love the adult ones. They are just so cute & cuddly looking! Keep up the great work!


    1. Thank you! I'll keep that in mind! The toddler dolls are super adorable and I have fun making them :)

  4. can you make 11 year old dolls or teens?

  5. Hi Julie I am doing a concert of the Nutcracker with my little ballet school, I would love to print copies of your dolls to give to the students, There is about 100 kids, would that be possible?

    1. Sure! Sharing them with your dancers is a fine idea. I sent you an email with some recommendations. I hope they love them!


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