Sunday, December 25, 2016

December Angel Paper Doll - Day 25

Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating today! We start our day with cinnamon rolls, plenty of coffee, and presents from Santa for the kiddos.  Then, it's off to my parents' house for Christmas with my parents, grandparents, and my sister's family. My kids have cousins very close to their ages and it's so much fun having all of the kids together.

For today, I wanted a fur-trimmed outfit but not a traditional red costume for my angel.

Right-click to download and print

This dress ended up looking a little Edwardian and I'm happy with that. It feels very vintage to me. Initially, I had plain colors and it wasn't working. I added a subtle houndstooth pattern and that worked well.

Remember, I have paper dolls til December 31st! Come back tomorrow for more and enjoy your holiday, whatever it may be!


  1. Merry Christmas! She looks so sophisticated in her green houndstooth dress.

    1. Thank you! My sons had a crazy awesome holiday with too many presents, too much food, and a lotta love.

      I wanted to go with something simple and NOT red for today!

  2. this is so sweet! and i love the trim! my impression was actually more 20s-30s than Edwardian even though the dress is long. love those feathers!

    1. It does feel a bit 20s/30s. I based it loosely on something I found labeled as Edwardian but I didn't try really hard to make it an accurate period piece.

      I drew those feathers once and I use them over & over because I just love them!


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