Thursday, December 15, 2016

December Angel Paper Doll - Day 15

If you've been following my blog long enough, you'll know that I have two amazing sons.  They are brilliant and talented and just the best kids. I can't say enough about how great they are. I've been able to stay home with them, so I feel like a doubly lucky mom.

You might also know that my oldest has a December birthday.  And that's today! We have a big family party planned for this weekend.  We always let the boys choose a restaurant to go to on their birthdays.  That's what we'll do this evening.

My kids love animals, but especially my oldest.  Today's angel paper doll outfit seemed like the perfect one to post on his birthday.

Right-click to download and print

Last year, I made a woodland themed Santa set and I wanted to revisit that idea with the angel series this year. It would have been easy to copy the colors & patterns but that just didn't feel right.  So instead, I drew a little lamb with soft blues & yellows.  I didn't have a really clear plan for this set.  Once the dress was completed, it felt a bit plain. So I added in some stitching and that worked well!

Enjoy today's outfit. There will be more tomorrow! And happy birthday to my Noah :)


  1. that lamb is stupidly adorable! and the wooly trim on the dress makes for a lovely complement!

    : D

    1. yeah, that lamb is pretty cute :) He'll probably pop up last year's bunny. That guy was the cutest, too!

  2. I love the lamb. He's super cute and the furry trim on the dress is also nicely done. Plus I love the jewels in the angels hair.

    1. I like the jewels, too. It felt a bit derivative of the first costume in this series, but I can live with that :)


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