Saturday, December 31, 2016

December Angel Paper Doll - Day 31

I made it to the end!! It was touch & go there for a while. I finally finished the project 2 days before the 31st!! Considering I starting this project in October, I didn't think it would take that long....

Today is the last of the angel paper doll outfits. I wanted a festive, New Years gown and I happened to have the star & confetti graphic from a previous project.

I've also posted a PDF of the whole collection.  I'll be compiling this into a book at some point, like I did with the Santa and Mrs Claus set.

Right-click to download and print

And here's the link to the PDF file.  It's a horizontal file, so keep that in mind if you print it.
Thoughts? Did everyone enjoy this angel series?  I have to start thinking about next year's project and I have no clue what I'll do!! Then again, once I finished Santa up last year, I didn't know what I'd do next either.

I'll let everyone know when the book is ready.  Thanks for joining me on this crazy paper doll marathon!


  1. very festive to bring in the new year! i can just imagine a glass of bubbly in one hand!

    congratulations on another December close-out! now you can rest! thank you for all these cool designs! : D

    1. THAT'S what I should have done! I struggled with what to do with her hands.... Maybe a revision before the book....

    2. but first a nice long break ~ hahaha
      you must be exhausted! : D

  2. Such a great series. I always love your December project. I am so excited for next year. And this is a fantastic dress to end the year and go into 2017.

    1. Thanks! I have no clue what the next December doll will be, but I have 12 months to figure it out....!

  3. I love your December sets - this is my favorite, absolutely fabulous!

  4. I loved this series as well as your other dolls. Enjoy the break brfore diving back in. Something will inspire you for next years doll. Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks! It's always great to hear how much people enjoy my dolls :)

  5. This series was a hit from start to finish! And thank you always for providing the PDF - I've learned so much about AI by studying the elements you use to create the dolls.

    1. Thank you SO much! If you're looking for some tips with Illustrator, I would start here:

      I've written a few other tutorials - you can find them by searching the tag "illustrator". If you have any specific requests, I'd love to know!

      Good luck with Illustrator! It's a lot like chess - easy to learn, a lifetime to master :)


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