Saturday, December 17, 2016

December Angel Paper Doll - Day 17

Like many people, I find my inspiration in a bunch of places. I love fantasy gowns and elaborate fashion.  There's an costume designer I follow online who creates amazing gowns.  This was inspired by her craft.

Right-click to download and print

I knew I wanted to create a rainbow colored dress but I really had no idea exactly what shape that should take.  The dresses at Firefly Path were a great source and I like how this all came together.

We're more than halfway through December! Come back tomorrow for yet another dress!


  1. pastel rainbows always make me think of birthday cake for some reason ~ this is delightful in that same way! : D

    what an amazing gift to have these every day. i'm struggling just to cobble together a single sheet or two for the holiday (and not sure i will make it). so thank you for this!

    1. Aw shucks :) I'm happy to make these and I'm so glad you're enjoying them!!

  2. I think this is my favorite one yet! These are so beautiful! Thank you!

    1. Thanks! I loved drawing this one. I'm glad you like it, too.

  3. I'd never seen that costume designer's work before. It's amazing. Thank you for sharing. I love the colors in this. They remind me of Smarties candies.

    1. I could create a paper doll based entirely on her work. It's really spectacular.

      I love how rainbows are making everyone think of cake & candy!!


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