Saturday, December 24, 2016

December Angel Paper Doll - Day 24

It's Christmas Eve! When I was a kid, we lived in northern Vermont and most years, we had snow.  It really was just as beautiful as the Christmas cards make it look.

Anyway, it's been a long time since I loved in Vermont. Lucky for me, all of my family all lives in southern New England now.  We still all see each other at the holidays and my kids are lucky enough to know their great-grandparents.

So today's angel is a very traditional angel. I felt Christmas Eve would be the perfect time for something traditional.

Right-click to download and print

This was one of the earliest designs I made for the angel series. I put it off til the end partially because it felt to complicated to render in Illustrator.  Forgive me while I brag for just a second - those HANDS!! They were tough to draw on paper and really tough in Illustrator, but I'm really happy with them.  I modified the gown while I was working on it, too. Generally, I avoid transparency because I need a skin tone under it and that limits my mix & match options.

I'm really happy with this doll and I hope you are, too.

Have a happy Christmas Eve and make sure to come back!! My December series runs the WHOLE month, not just til Christmas!


  1. This is just lovely. Those hands! That hair! The sleeves! I think this might be my favorite so far.

    1. Those hands were tough. I am not great at drawing hands & feet. I've decided to embrace drawing them rather than avoiding them. It's helping!

  2. she's gorgeous! you did amazing work on the hands ~ they are so expressive!

    i don't always love attached hair, but this is beautiful--the effect is stunning!

    1. I'm not always crazy about attached hair, either. Having just the face section to cut out doesn't really feel like a doll to me. But, it worked out really well here. I'm super happy with this one.


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