Thursday, December 29, 2016

December Angel Paper Doll - Day 29

At this point in the December paper doll project, I start losing steam.  My inspiration has waned. I'm feeling the time crunch.  It's definitely a paper doll marathon.

Today's paper doll isn't the most inspired.  Honestly, there are two reasons I made this doll.  One, I really liked the choir singer face from day 4.  And then secondly, I really liked Rachel's carolers.

Right-click to download and print

The colors here are really, really vivid.  I didn't really mean to do that, and I'm not entirely sure I like it.  There were a lot of muted pinks and greens in this series & I just got sick of it, I guess.  I may tweak it for the book.

Oh yeah, I'm totally going to make an angel paper doll book. I'll keep you posted.

Two more days...stick with me!!


  1. i'll be sorry to see this series end ~ like i am every year at the end of December with your blog! i love the caroler face too!

    also: yay for a new book! which reminds me...

    1. Aw... I always end up with a bit of a paper doll hangover in January. This is the most intense project I take on every year and I love/hate it :)

  2. It's so fun to see the caroler face again! And I am glad I inspired you. I always love these December series you do.

    1. I find myself so inspired by all of the great paper doll artists out there. Your work is so beautiful! ]

      And the caroler face was too cute not to use again.


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