Tuesday, December 27, 2016

December Angel Paper Doll - Day 27

We're having a super fun winter break! My oldest son had a visit with one of his favorite friends, and then my new appliances are coming today, and THEN a Lego day at the library tomorrow.  Good times!

So forgive me if this doll isn't terribly exciting.  I've had a lot going on!

Right-click to download and print

This outfit is vaguely based on a dress I saw on Pinterest. I didn't want to create another white & gold outfit and really struggled to find colors I liked.  These aren't ideal, but good enough, I suppose.  And once I settled on it, the outfit looked vaguely Renaissance to me.  So I made a sort of Renaissance inspired crown for her hair.

Just a few more days to wrap this up! Check back again tomorrow.


  1. love the off-the-shoulder style on this ~ and the pattern is lovely; definitely very renaissance, especially with the headpiece!

    1. thanks! I found a dress on Pinterest that was essentially this dress, but it was white and gold. Honestly, I'm sick of white and gold, so I went in a totally different direction!

  2. This feels very other wordly to me. I love the gold detailing and the sleeves.

    1. Ever since I got my Surface, I find myself drawing big, puffy sleeves! It was too challenging to pull off before and now I want to draw all the things in Illustrator!


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