Friday, August 31, 2018

Paper Doll Collaboration 2018 - Favorite Decade

Every month I'm amazed at how quickly the month has gone by! And this is the last day as well as the last Friday.

Today's installment of the paper doll collaboration project is about our favorite decade.  That was a tough one to narrow down! I genuinely loved the '90s but that didn't feel quite right.  And right now, I'm been heavily influenced by the '50s but that wasn't it either. And I knew I wanted the 20th century.

So I went with the 1970s.  Makes total sense, really. Most of the music I listen to is from the 70s.  Much of the clothing I wore in high school was either inspired by or from the 70s. 

I went in two directions here.  First up is a Gunne Sax inspired dress with feathered, flipped up hair.  Next, a long collared shirt and wide leg pants with a helmet-like hairstyle - my mom had hair like that in '78!! In my mind, those pants are corduroy and probably orange.

For more in the series, check out Paper Thin Personas and Miss Missy!

1 comment:

  1. I love these. The Gunne Sax dress trim is really lovely.


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