Friday, August 10, 2018

July Paper Doll - Set 4

Woo hoo! I have ONE more July sheet to go! And then I can get cracking on August.  Not too bad...!

I won't delay  - here's the set:

This week's sheet wasn't as full as I wanted so I added in the sweater and leggings to round it out.  First up, "moon" is a short dress.  "Slice" was tough and I went with a box pleat skirt with color accents in corduroy.  "Shark" was fun - I went with a toothy graphic sweatshirt.  "Market" is a jean jacket and shopping bag. "Van" is another graphic tshirt.  And finally, "star" is a tunic top since I already made a star covered dress in March.

ONE more!! I'll get that up as soon as I can.  Have a fantastic weekend!

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