Monday, August 13, 2018

July Paper Doll - Set 5

YAY! July is a WRAP! I'm going to try to get a couple of sets done this week (maybe) but we're heading out for a family vacation & I'm not sure if I'll get to it. 

I've said it before - some themes are harder than others! One thing I love about this whole project is that the ideas are already there for me.  Some of these are themes I never would have picked for myself & that's part of the fun.

First up is "boat" and I went with a nautical set.  "Signs" was a little trickier - not sure if it's obvious, but the long skirt is covered in zodiac signs.  "Float" is a cover up and pool float.  "Lion" is a blouse with a lion pattern.  "Friends" was tough so I added a title & a cat and dog sketch (not mine).  Finally, "sunset" really only works in the color version. 

I haven't looked at the August themes yet so that should be interesting. 

Anyone from Tennessee or been recently? That's where we're heading and it looks fun!!


  1. If you'll be anywhere near Chattanooga, then I can't recommend the Tennessee Aquarium enough. There's separate buildings for the salt and fresh water fish, along with several aquatic mammal exhibits. There's also a large gift shop with a nice selection of jewelry, toys, books, shirts, so it has a little something for everyone.
    I've probably spammed your inbox, but for some reason my previous comments aren't showing up. Hopefully this one does!

    1. Thanks for the ideas! We're going full-on tourist and going to Dollywood. I don't like to plan EVERY minute of vacation (I like spontaneity).

      I dunno what's up with comments lately - you aren't the only one having problems... I'll see if I can sort it out :)

  2. I love the idea of the Zodiac skirt. And I also have been told Dollywood is super fun.


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