Sunday, August 25, 2013

Paper doll fun with my oldest son!

I have two sons.  One will be 4 in December and the other is 18 months.  I never really thought about paper dolls as something boys would play with, but my oldest was asking about them.  Somehow he figured out that I make paper dolls and he asked me for ninja paper dolls.  That's a bit outside of my area of expertise, so I went to deviantArt and found some terrific paper dolls by malindachan.  Here are some fun pictures of us playing with paper dolls!

A Full Metal Alchemist doll!

So that was how we spent our Sunday :)  A good time was had by all! And check out the dA link.  You need to go through her gallery to find the dolls.  Or go to mine.  I have most of them saved as favorites.  And these are just begging to be printed on magnetic sheets....!

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