Friday, July 28, 2017

Paper Doll Collaboration 2017 - Music

The end of July snuck up on me! I just finished peeling wallpaper off in yet another room of my house.  This summer we have: built a deck, painted a bathroom, painted a bedroom, bunked the boys (which involved peeling wallpaper, painting, and redecorating), and peeled the wallpaper off the last bedroom.  Painting is forthcoming.  Aside from this, the kids and I have been having a blast.  My husband is super close to finishing his Master's degree so he's been pretty busy, too.

I'm barely keeping up with the blog!!

This month for the collaboration project, the theme is music.

I enjoy music but I'm not a musician.  And I really can't stand classical music.   I've tried.  It just is not for me.  Regardless, I saw this belt and needed to draw it! And I thought a retro 40s-ish hairstyle had a nice curl that resembled the violin belt.

For more music inspired fashions, check out Paper Thin Personas, Pop Culture and Paper Dolls, and Miss Missy's Paper Dolls!


  1. Love the shoes and the belt. Very cute outfit.

    1. I found references for the belt & shoes separately and felt they needed to be together!

  2. this is a great idea for interpreting the prompt! love the belt and the hairstyle!

    i feel for you on being so busy! i barely drew my outfit this morning and didn't have time to put it in the template--will get it up tonight. : o p

    1. I'm hoping to carve out some more time in the fall. We're in the midst of a whole house refresh/improvement phase (we have some changes coming to our family -- and NO there will not be more babies!!!!!!) but then both of my kids will be in school full-day! Really looking forward to that :)


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