Friday, October 18, 2013

Fashion Friday - Annabelle

I've mentioned before that I live in New England.  I've probably also mentioned that my family has been in New England since it was still part of old England!  Our roots here run very, very deep and one thing that all of the various branches of my family tree have tried at one point or another is farming.  I'm only the second generation of my family not to have lived on a farm at some point in my life.  Maybe I'll retire & farm.

Anyway, I feel very tied to the changing seasons here.  In New England, autumn means harvest time and there's plenty of it!  Last weekend I went apple picking with my husband, boys, and my sister-in-law.  It was a blast -- and I'm still trying to cook/freeze/etc all the apples!  So I've had apples on the brain.

And that's how I got Annabelle.  This is my apple-themed farm girl.  I made a super quick apple pattern from a stock apple image I found online and used the colors from that image throughout.  I like this doll quite a bit, and I hope you do too.  Enjoy!

Download Fashion Friday - Annabelle pdf here

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