Thursday, January 31, 2019

Paper Doll Collaboration 2019

It's been a while since I posted. I had a list of administrative stuff I wanted to get done in January, so I've been focusing on that instead of drawing.  Most of that is done (including a little update to the appearance of the ol' blog here....!) and I plan on getting back to drawing & posting.

Today is the first installment of the 2019 paper doll collaboration project! The base doll was designed by Rachel Cohen of Paper Thin Personas.  I'm really excited about working from her base!!

My doll is a very slightly modified version of Rachel's.  The idea behind the collaboration paper doll is flexibility - in theory, every outfit will fit every doll across the project.  There may be exceptions, of course (like hairstyles), but we really aim for consistency.

The theme for this first installment is "trendy".  I will tell you that as a late 30-something mother of two sons "trendy" isn't really in my vocabulary! It's jeans & t-shirts most days. I'm also not much of a haute couture fan.  There was a time when I really enjoyed runway shows but it's become so much artifice and so little actual clothing that I just can't be bothered anymore.

All that said, many people who know better than I do defined a few trendy things for 2019. Statement sleeves, pleats, and jumpsuits are all considered trendy right now.  The blouse in this set is designed to wear with either the skirt or over the jumpsuit.

There are a few people participating this year and I'll update the links as they go live: Paper Thin Personas, Miss Missy's Paper Dolls, boots over at Pop Culture and Paper Dolls, and Cory Jensen over on Facebook!


  1. Lovely! So happy to see these collabs continue! So glad to see boots back, and I love Cory's art. Looks like a great paper doll year to look forward to! :-)

    1. Thanks! We're always eager to do this :) It's so much fun to draw and I think that comes across in our posts.

  2. I love the jumpsuit! So much fun Julie. And I'm glad we're continuing too.

    1. Jumpsuits are something I like to draw that I'd never wear! In my mind, it's super sparkly.

  3. this is beautiful! i had to laugh at your "trendy" comment. i feel exactly the same! thank you guys for dragging my back into this fun world! : D

    1. My wardrobe consists of nerd t-shirts, flannel (SO thankful THAT came back around!!, plain cardigans, and jeans. Like four different types of jeans. I have one drawer that's all jeans....

      SO glad to have you back!! YAY!!

    2. Yes, none of us seem to be like- Oh, I'm super into fashion and I dress so trendy. I certainly don't.


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