Friday, January 26, 2018

Paper Doll Collaboration 2018 - Fairy Tales

First, I will finish up the January paper doll series next week....and get started on February! I'm loving this little project! It's more drawing than I've done in a long time but that was kind of the point.

Second, who's ready for the next collaboration series?!

This year's collaboration paper doll was designed by Melissa at Miss Missy's Paper Dolls. Last year I had the privilege of designing the collaboration doll & it's fun to be on the other side of that.  All of the artists gave my doll their own little adjustments and so I did that this time.

Right-click to download and print

Melissa's style is more based on anime than mine is, so it was interesting to work with that style. I drew a new face (much like everyone did last year).  The doll was slim enough that I fit her and the first outfit on one page.

The January theme is fairy tale and although Alice in Wonderland isn't *technically* a fairy tale, it felt right for this doll.  I included a quote, too, to help with the composition. Those curls were a fun challenge!

For more in this series, visit Miss Missy and Paper Thin Personas!


  1. So glad there's a new collaboration project! I love these! Thank you!

  2. Love her face. Such a charming Alice costume


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