Paper Doll Downloads

*Please note: PDF links are BROKEN. To download a paper doll, click on the image, then right-click to save it. They are full-size, high resolution images and perfect for printing!*


Fashion Model Paper Dolls

All teen/adult fashion paper dolls (including Star Trek and fairy tale) can be found here.

Paper Doll Guys

All of the guys can be found here.  These are the same style and proportion as the fashion model dolls.

 Toddler Paper Dolls

All of the toddler paper dolls (boy and girl) can be found here.

 Tween Paper Dolls

All tween paper dolls can be found here.

Kawaii Kids

All of the Kawaii Kids paper dolls can be found here, including the Christmas and holiday sets.

These are all of the long-running series.  There are plenty of others to explore, too, including special holiday sets, fan art, and short run series! Feel free to download any and all of these for personal use.


  1. Nice work, love it!

  2. This is SO awesome! I'm starting to sponsor girls through Plan International, and I can't send direct parcels, so I have to get creative with ideas of what to send. Thank you SO much for these! They will be incredibly helpful!

    1. Thank you! I'm always happy to hear how much people enjoy my paper dolls.

  3. These are amaze!!!! Just what I was looking for!!

  4. But how do I download all of the fashion Friday dolls?

    1. So glad you like them! Each of the dolls on this page are linked to the page I originally posted them on. Go to that page and either download the image itself or click on the pdf link to print a pdf. Each doll is posted individually - a single file would be way too big! Leg me know if you're still having trouble printing these!

  5. I love paper dolls (your our mentioned in my second favorite site) and these are a great way to get many kinds of people and styles!

  6. Thanks :) Honestly, this is the longest running project I've ever taken on, and I still enjoy doing it every week. There's always a new theme or culture or something that I want to make into a paper doll!

  7. i love these dolls! so much fun. i love to make new clothes for many choices to choose from . can you make a doll named brooklynn?
    with short hair and with bangs?thank you soooooooooooo much!

    1. Thanks! I'd love to see the new clothes that you make for them. I'm always really excited when people actually play with my dolls!!

      I'll put your request on my list :) I've been thinking about making an older child or preteen paper doll. It's on my list of things to do in 2016. I have a rough sketch but haven't got it ready just yet. Keep watching for it!

  8. Can you make more Fashion Friday Dolls? like bridget,eliza,maria,etc. It doesn't necessarily have to be different dolls and names,you could outfits and hair printables! I just found your blog yesterday,though. And i'm honestly obsessed with paper dolls. Just a suggestion,since i can't draw well. Thanks!

    1. I will definitely create more fashion dolls in the future! I'd like to pick some themes and create dolls to go with those. Or maybe an Etsy page with downloads. I have a lot of ideas to sort out, but I will absolutely come back to these! (There are over 100 to mix and match as of today. Have fun!!)

  9. I have a dumb question... are each of the paper dolls interchangable... meaning can the clothes of one doll set fit on another doll from another dollset? Or are they slightly different and can only wear the clothing made for that doll? I ask because I know someone who likes one or two of the dolls, but wants some of the other clothes from other dollsets to use for the chosen doll.

    1. Not a dumb question at all! Each set is interchangable. So all of the Fashion Friday ladies, for example, can share clothing. All of the toddlers (boys & girls) and all of the kawaii kids (boys & girls) can share wardrobes, too. The only exceptions to that are skin tones and hats/hair pieces -- those are doll-specific.

      With the Fashion Friday ladies, I've posted over a hundred sets as of 2016 and the mix & match options are just about infinite!

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks! There are so many more that aren't even listed on this page :) Have fun!!

  11. Hi! I am hoping to use your wedding paper doll for an activity at a bridal shower next week. I saw it on pinterest at but don't know how to legally download it or pay for it. I am hoping to have like 20 little paper dolls for the guests to dress up. Can I just download the image and print it?

  12. Hi! I love your paper dolls downloads; even though I'm a teen girl who most people would not expect to like dolls I am OBSESSED with your ones. I'm not sure if this is still very active but please continue to make them as they make my day!

    1. Thank you SO MUCH! I have discovered that age does not matter at all - paper doll artists & enthusiasts come in ALL ages! The PDF links are broken but you can print straight from the preview images. Enjoy!!

  13. Thank you so much. Im an artist and wanting to do a paper doll exhibit to raise awareness of social injustice. Your site is very helpful.


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