Friday, October 27, 2017

Paper Doll Collaboration 2017 - Vampire

Autumn is the reward we in New England get for putting up with the other three seasons here, and this year is no exception. I love October - I was married in October (ten years ago, in fact!!).  It's a great time of year.

And Halloween! Who doesn't love that?! My kids and I are really excited about Halloween.  It's easily my favorite holiday of the year.

So this month, we have some spooky additions to the collaboration paper doll.

Let me first say that this was a feat of formatting finesse! It was not all going to fit.  I was just sure of it....and then, somehow, it did! So I'm pretty happy about that. And the crazy ruffles.  I just love drawing ruffles right now!

For more haunting costumes, check out Paper Thin Personas, Pop Culture and Paper Dolls, and Miss Missy's Paper Dolls.


  1. nice! love the collar and the veil! (and the boots of course, but that goes without saying) : D

    1. I was really excited about that collar! I'll throw ruffles on almost anything right now, including boots.

  2. I love the hat with the veil. Aren't ruffles fun? They are one of my favorite things to draw.

    1. Ruffles are the best! The veil seemed like an easy way to add fangs. They're tiny but they're there!

  3. Replies
    1. I like it, too. I wish I could pull off Victorian/Goth/Steampunk but it just never worked for me....


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