Friday, February 7, 2014

Fashion Doll Friday - Steve

Let me just say that "fashion" might be a bit of a stretch for this doll! If you've ever lived anywhere in the US that is cold and/or has hunting, you've seen this outfit.  As everyone knows by now, I live in New England and my family has been here for like a million generations or something.  For much of that time, we've lived in Vermont.  It's where I got my start.  Anyway, there is an institution in Vermont called the Johnson Woolen Mills and since the 1840s, they have been producing this hunting jacket.  Every man (and some of the women) in my family has at least one of these jackets!  One year, my father got a new one for Christmas or his birthday (I forget which now...) and it was  a bit snug.  So I inherited it! And I've been wearing it ever since.  When the storm hit this week, my husband was at work. He ended up working a 16 hour day and I had to shovel.  A task made much easier by my hearty Johnson Woolen jacket.

So thanks, Dad, for the warm coat and a family tradition.  Now we need to take my boys up to Vermont and get THEIR jackets!

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