Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Elements of Art: Texture

Today we're going to talk about texture! I realize that this is two days later than usual.  I've had a lot going on recently, but I will not let this blog die because of it :)   Today's post will be relatively short as a result, but I felt the need to get it out there.

So today... texture!  I tend to think of texture in a literal way: how my paper or canvas feels, how my pencil or brush drags across it, how can I add interest to a background.

Texture is so much more than that! It can also pattern and repetition.  It's line and shape and contrast.  I like to create fur trim on some of my vector paper doll clothes.  I do that with a jagged line.  And patterns.  I love patterns! To create jeans, for example, I make blue pants and put a cross-hatch "burlap" texture over them.  Suddenly, plain blue pants look like jeans.  That's the power of texture.

Let's take a look at two examples of texture and paper dolls.  These are both done in Photoshop, but texture is everywhere in both digital and non-digital art.

Dreamerwhit95 on deviantArt:

I love this doll!  The artist states that it was a commission for a family to give their daughter.  It's lovely.  I love that it's three dolls in a unified composition that could also be three individual compositions.  The background textures are great.  They add just enough interest to the background without being invasive.  I'm not sure how well it shows up in this image (go to her gallery for a better view) but the textures on the clothing are amazing! The prom gowns look like satin.  The glitter looks like actual glitter.  This is the only paper doll in her gallery, but all of her art is worth checking out.

Cory Jensen, fan page on Facebook

I've talked about Cory before, but when I saw this doll yesterday I HAD to talk about it! Cory uses pattern and light/dark contrast to make the fabrics in this doll look like metallic fabric.  The leather boots have highlights that make them look like worn leather. I was just astonished by this doll!  And not just the doll.  Cory always makes wonderful use of his backgrounds.

There are so many other dolls and artists I could talk about.  Texture is everywhere and really adds interest to a doll when used well.

I'm going to try to post a doll on Friday.  I've got some freelance work to get done and my youngest son's birthday is Saturday so Friday is a baking/decorating/party prep day.  I can't believe he's 2 already... Anyway, I'm going to do my best to get that up! 

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