Saturday, February 22, 2014

Fairytale Fashion Friday (Saturday Edition) - Cinderella

I tried to get this up for Friday -- I really did!  I've been doing a bit of graphic design freelancing recently, and the client I'm working with often needs me to drop everything and meet a tight deadline.  Yesterday was that day! (I know... I should have planned ahead and scheduled a post.  I struggle with that....!!)

Today I have another fairy tale doll - Cinderella.  It isn't my favorite, but it's not bad.  I love the little cape.  Cinderella has never been my favorite and maybe that's my problem with this doll!

Anyway, download the doll below and have a wonderful, warm weekend (while it lasts...!)


  1. That is a wonderfully cute cape, but I agree that her dresses aren't as interesting as some of your other fairytale paper dolls. :) Cinderella is hard I think because she had her "servant" attire and her "ballgown" attire which has to be balanced.

    1. I love the cape....and that's about it. I've never been crazy about Cinderella anyway and I think it shows here. I am, however, glad I went ahead and posted it. I think part of growing creatively is having the ability to objectively critique your own work. Errors are learning experiences. And the next fairy tale doll (when I get to it...) will be one I love instead of one I don't!


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