Monday, October 10, 2022

Witchtober - Bone and Bird Witch

 I'll admit, things never seem to settle down in my house! I've been helping my mother with her knee surgery. My boys are both in middle school now (!!!!!!) - one is having a tough transition but we're working on it. I feel like I have a million things going on any given day. 

I wouldn't trade it for anything. Ok, maybe for just a tiny bit of quiet. 

Today's Witchtober set is a Bone Witch and a Bird Witch. I was partially inspired by a pearl ribcage jewelry thing for the Bone Witch. And some rad shoes with spines for heels. The Bird Witch is all me. I had this idea of a one-shoulder swoopy kind of thing. I'm not completely happy with how the skirt turned out but I can live with it. Take a look at Rachel's interpretation here!

Right-click to download full resolution image

The boys have today off, like many of us in the States. We're going on a bike riding adventure. 

If you have the day off, too, have fun coloring the Witchtober witches! Make sure you grab the first one here :)

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