Monday, October 3, 2022

Spooky Month and a Halloween Paper Doll

 My youngest son is totally into Halloween this year! We all are big Halloween fans most years, but this year, he is REALLY into it! We drew monsters together over the weekend.

Today, however, is a paper doll kind of day! 

Right click on the image to save it at full resolution.

Rachel and I decided to embark on another Halloween paper doll project. We're tackling a few of the themes from this Witchtober list we found here:  I know nothing about the artist but this list is great.

Today's paper doll is the base doll and a random outfit. It's sort of based on a vintage Halloween dress that I saw, so it isn't part of the theme list. 
Rachel and I are going to tackle the same themes and post on Mondays through Halloween. It's going to be fun to see how we interpret the same ideas differently! Check in every Monday through Halloween to see what we're up to!

1 comment:

  1. I loved getting to see your source image. Such fabulous sleeves!


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