Friday, February 24, 2017

Paperdoll Collaboration 2017 - Night at the Oscars

I lied.

I was going to make a fourth Valentine's paper doll.  It just didn't happen.  2017 has been a pretty best/worst kind of year so far.  Lots of good things are happening to me, and a lot of less good things are happening around me.  So I didn't get around to a fourth doll.  There's always March for a quick themed set...

Today is the next part of the on-going paper doll collaboration project with Paper Thin Personas, Pop Culture Paper Dolls, and Miss Missy Paper Dolls.  This month's theme is a night at the Oscars.

Personally, I don't care about rewards shows at all.  I do, however, LOVE fancy dresses and elaborate gowns!

My dress is based on a Dolce & Gabbana dress.  I can't seem to track the dress down online. That's fine.  Part of the reason I loved it was because it was a fairly simple black dress but it was paired with fancy, Renaissance inspired jewelry. Sometimes I create things in Illustrator and bring them into Photoshop -- that's what I did here with the jewelry.

And because I can be my own worst critic (it's the best way to grow as an artist!!), that hand is the worst.  I knew it was bad when I drew it ages ago, but seeing it now....the worst.

I'll update links to the other paper doll collaboration pages as they go live, so look for that!

Paper Thin Personas - find it here
Pop Culture Paper Dolls - find it here
Miss Missy Paper Dolls - find it here


  1. that hand is not the worst! not at all! hahaha
    love love love the jewelry! and the simplicity of the dress works well paired with it! : D

    1. I was pretty excited to make that jewelry, honestly. It's something I'd totally wear :)

      I appreciate that you don't think that hand is the worst. Hands and feet are the things I notice most in my own drawings (and others!!)

  2. I love her hair and that hand is just fine. The cape is super sophisticated, too.

    1. Thanks :) I added the cape (from the same collection) at the end, partially as a page filler. But it looks nice & I like it!

  3. What a great dress! Now I'm speculating on the best color to go with the fur.

    1. The dress I based it on was black with gold jewelry and a brown fur. But hey, I encourage you to do whatever you want!!


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