Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Eclectic Wardrobe of Josephine - Page 7

How did it get to be the last day of February already?! Also, here in New England we had all of winter in one week (25 inches of snow in 4 days) and then - poof! - spring.  It's been unusually warm so we've been outside a lot.

Also, with today being the last day of February, I've been thinking about my youngest son.  He was almost born on a Leap Year but just missed it.  His birthday is tomorrow and I'm amazed at how fast the years are going. I started this blog the summer after he was born and tomorrow, he turns 5! Happy birthday, Mr. Miles. It's been an interesting five years so far!!

Today's wardrobe sheet for Ms Josephine is menswear inspired.  I wanted to create something with mix and match possibilities, of course.  I also wanted something that was both masculine and feminine - or neither, because honestly, what do those even mean?!

Right-click to download and print

So Josephine has some nicely tailored, professional outfits this time around.  I knew I wanted a floral suit and I thought long & hard about making both the skirt and the pants floral.  And then thought better of it. There still isn't a lot of mix & match possibilities across the whole project. I really should make a sheet with just neutrals of some sort.  Maybe next week, since I've used up all the backlog I had ready to go!

If you're looking for Josephine, you can grab her here.  You can search for everything in the Josephine series or use the "Josephine" tag to track down more sheets. And I'll get something up for Friday, too!

Friday, February 24, 2017

Paperdoll Collaboration 2017 - Night at the Oscars

I lied.

I was going to make a fourth Valentine's paper doll.  It just didn't happen.  2017 has been a pretty best/worst kind of year so far.  Lots of good things are happening to me, and a lot of less good things are happening around me.  So I didn't get around to a fourth doll.  There's always March for a quick themed set...

Today is the next part of the on-going paper doll collaboration project with Paper Thin Personas, Pop Culture Paper Dolls, and Miss Missy Paper Dolls.  This month's theme is a night at the Oscars.

Personally, I don't care about rewards shows at all.  I do, however, LOVE fancy dresses and elaborate gowns!

My dress is based on a Dolce & Gabbana dress.  I can't seem to track the dress down online. That's fine.  Part of the reason I loved it was because it was a fairly simple black dress but it was paired with fancy, Renaissance inspired jewelry. Sometimes I create things in Illustrator and bring them into Photoshop -- that's what I did here with the jewelry.

And because I can be my own worst critic (it's the best way to grow as an artist!!), that hand is the worst.  I knew it was bad when I drew it ages ago, but seeing it now....the worst.

I'll update links to the other paper doll collaboration pages as they go live, so look for that!

Paper Thin Personas - find it here
Pop Culture Paper Dolls - find it here
Miss Missy Paper Dolls - find it here

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Eclectic Wardrobe of Josephine - Page 6

It's still winter-ish here in New England. This year hasn't been too bad and I'm just about ready to think spring.  In a way, I wish it had been a bit more wintery -- my boys got a bunch of fun snow toys for Christmas that they've hardly used!

Today's Josephine is winter inspired.

Right-click to download and print

I really, really wanted to do something fur this week.  There's a beautiful deer fur texture in my collection that was just begging to be used! And purple leather sounded like a thing that should exist. I don't know how many mix & match sets Josephine has across the whole series.... I'm thinking I should print these at some point!

If you're looking for Josephine, the doll is here.  And you can search the "Josephine" tag to see the entire project!

Friday, February 17, 2017

Tween Fashion Friday - Jaimee

Here's round 3 of the Valentine's Day series! I didn't actually set out to make this a series, but it's worked out rather nicely, I think.  It's so much easier to work with a theme than a blank computer screen!!

So here's Jaimee.  There isn't a whole lot to say about her. Same colors, same patterns.  I even borrowed the hair from one of the angel paper dolls.  Speaking of....I really need to get that compiled into a book.  Any angel requests for the book? Now's the time to suggest them!

One more Valentine's Day paper doll....even though it's over & done with. Why not?!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Eclectic Wardrobe of Josephine - Page 5

Happy Valentine's Day! Not a big deal for me, honestly, but the boys love it.  In true nerd mom fashion, I gave my boys books instead of candy.  They love books so it's a win all around.

Today's set for Josephine is oddly appropriate especially considering I made it weeks ago!

Right-click to download and print


I found a jumpsuit on Pinterest with a bit of a plunging neckline that I thought would be perfect for Josephine. I also thought it would be a good opportunity to create some tops to go over the jumpsuit instead of a second bottom piece.  Black is a color I struggle with and this was a good reason to work on that, too.

Josephine got some fancy tops and I think they're pretty great.

If you're looking for Josephine, you can grab the doll here.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Tween Fashion Friday - Hollee

As promised, I have another Valentine's tween paper doll.  Sometimes patterns & colors are too awesome not to use again!

That heart pattern is so cute!!

I went with another "ee" name.  It was sweet & cute, like Valentine's Day itself. I'm not a big fan of the day, myself.  Seems kind of silly honestly. But my kids love it so I enjoy it more now than I ever did.

Come back next Friday for more "ee" names and mix & match Valentine's outfits!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The Eclectic Wardrobe of Josephine - Page 4

There are things I've always wanted to make for my paper dolls that I just never get around to.  Steampunk is one of those things. I'd really like to create a steampunk paper doll book sometime.  Til then, I have a steampunk wardrobe sheet for Josephine.

Right-click to download and print

I admit, I don't know a whole lot about steampunk.  I knew I wanted a dress, pants, lots of frills, leather, and some kind of metal.  Once I laid out the sketches, I had to make some changes so that I could fit two tops and two bottoms.  The vest on the right was supposed to have crazy huge sleeves on it but those had to go for the sake of space.

Next week's Josephine is a complete departure from this!

You can find the Josephine doll here.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Tween Fashion Friday - Aimee

Happy February! I can't believe it's already February.... Time is just zooming right by and I don't feel like I've accomplished much of anything yet this year! I've been traveling a lot -- my grandmother is in the hospital. She had a stroke but her recovery is going really, really well.  She's 86, looks at least 10 years younger than that, and is very, very independent.  She'll be just fine!!

Today I have a pink Valentine's day themed tween paper doll. I really like the pattern. It took me about a minute to whip up in Illustrator. Which just goes to show that things don't have to be super complicated to come out nicely.

I may very well use this color scheme & pattern for the whole month of February. I love how it came out & I wanted to make WAY more outfits than would fit on a page.  We'll see how that goes.