Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Kawaii Kids #30 - Happy New Year!

Here's the last of the Kawaii Kids dolls.  It's a set of evening attire to celebrate the New Year!

I have to say that this has been a tough project!  It's been much harder to keep up with than I had expected.  Having said that, I love these dolls!  I want to compile them into a full color book at some point, and possibly expand them into other sets, not just winter holidays.  I'll be taking a bit of a short break before I get back into lessons.  I have some lessons I'm eager to share but I want to get them right!

And finally, here's the pdf of the entire doll set.  It's a very large file!  Enjoy and happy new year!!


  1. These have been wonderful. I can't tell you how much fun it was to come to your site every day and see a new paper doll posted for the month of December. Have a wonderful 2014!

    1. Thanks so much! They were a blast to make & I'll probably revisit this set some time in the future to color it. I wish I had the time to post every day (maybe when the kids start school!) and it's been a fun challenge.

      And I hope you have a very creative 2014. I love the dolls you come up with!


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