
Friday, January 15, 2016

Fashion Friday - Quinn

Nothing kills a drawing streak quite like a sick kiddo.  We've had a bout of pneumonia that was unexpected & no fun at all.  My oldest has been home from school all week.  He's getting better every day, though, and is eager to get back to school on Tuesday.

Today's paper doll was a bit of a quickie.  I used a stock Illustrator pattern and tweaked some pre-exisisting wardrobe pieces.  The jacket was totally new and I like how that came out.

It's a little goth, now that I really look at it! If I were giving this a title, I think I'd call it Goth & Bubble Gum.  Clearly, I'm a bit out of my mind this week!

I'm shooting for another Illustrator tutorial on Monday, but a lot of that depends on the illness in my house.... We'll see.


  1. Nonsense. Goths like bubblegum too!

    1. Ha! Yeah, I suppose goths would like bubble gum, too. I sort of wanted to be goth but the closest I got was colored my hair ver dark brown....!

  2. ha! i didn't think "goth" at all. whenever i see pink and black i think of jackie-o.

    love the design on that jacket!

    1. I love the jacket, too. I've been trying more & more to use my use patterns and brushes, but it didn't happen this time. This is a pre-loaded Illustrator pattern called Embossed Leaves.

      Sometimes I forget about things, and Jackie-O is someone I forgot even existed but yeah, the black & pink definitely have that classy 60s vibe.

    2. it's a wonderfully subtle pattern ~ and yes, the whole thing looks like classy 60s to me.

      hope everyone is feeling better today!
