
Tuesday, April 16, 2019

100 Days of Paper Dolls - Set 2

If you follow me on Instagram (@julieamatthews), you'll be up to date with the whole project.  I'm posting complete sheets here on the blog when I complete them (and remember!!!!).

This sheet covers days 6 through 10.  I'm trying to keep with the neo-Victorian vibe.  And I'm already thinking about how to color these! I don't think I put out any books last year aside from Kitchen Kitsch (which you can get here and here. It's really beautiful!! Highly recommend. Shameless self-promotion!)  I've been kicking around the idea of putting together a sketchbook type of book, too, but haven't quite gotten around to it.  There simply are not enough hours in the day!

Anyway, watch for sporadically posted pages from the project here. Or follow along on Instgram.  There's a few of us there doing this and it's all great!


  1. Very nice! And the dolls from Kitchen Kitsch are beautiful too! The sketchbook book sounds interesting, do you mean a book of your sketches or a book for people to sketch in? I have always thought a sort of guided sketchbook with prompts and such would be very cool.

    1. Thank you! For a sketchbook, I was thinking like a portfolio style book, with step-by-step tutorials, final works, thought process, etc. I've seen other artists make them and I really love the idea of it.

      Also, I had one of those complete-a-page style drawing books as a kid and it was SO fun!! I'll have to think about that....
