
Friday, April 12, 2019

100 Days of Paper Dolls - Set 1

We're cranking along at the #100daysofpaperdolls over on Instagram! So far, all is going well.  The black & white set has been fairly easy to keep up with and that's been great. 

I sort of accidentally developed a neo-Victorian aesthetic with this set.  If you follow me on Instagram (@julieamatthews), you can see these every day but I'm only going to post full sheets on the ol' blog.  I'm trying to keep it in the Victorian vibe but this is going to end up being about 20 pages at the end.  That's a lot of Victorian influence!!! We'll see how it goes.

Anyway.... check it out on Instagram.  Our tag is #100daysofpaperdolls and its all really great work!


  1. Really enjoying this set! Thank you!

    1. Thanks! Me too :) The idea is to draw for a few minutes every day, but I find there's about one day a week that I just go crazy drawing for this. I'm a bit ahead at this point simply because I'm enjoying it.

  2. It turned out lovely! You could try doing lots of range in victorian inspiration. Like if you did some historical stuff from different eras, some steampunk etc, then I can see there being a lot to cover!

    1. Thanks!! I think it's ending up a bit Victorian influenced rather than straight up Victorian, much like steampunk, which I'm really enjoying. I've been looking at Victorian images (American and European) as well as steampunk and lolita. I'm not a big fan of lolita in general but there's some stuff I like for this.
