
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

December Paper Doll -- Santa Claus, Outfit 8

Continuing on the ocean theme, today I have a nautical inspired Santa.  I'm lucky to be pretty centrally located in New England.  I have easy access to the mountains and oceans alike.  I can't say that I've ever seen a wardrobe like this, but it feels like something I'd see in Gloucester.

I've also always loved the Christmas song I Saw Three Ships (Come Sailing In). It's not a really common Christmas song, but I remember singing it as a kid.  Maybe some of my ancestors in 18th century Amesbury, Massachusetts Bay Colony sang it around their hearth. I'd like to think so anyway.

The hat should work.  Again, I haven't tested this set yet.  Tomorrow is Mrs Claus in her nautical outfit.

If you're looking for the dolls, you can grab them here.


  1. the little model boat is adorable!

    love the old traditional Christmas carols. the new stuff is such horror for the most part.

    1. Thanks! I love the little boat, too. I wanted some kind of gift component in all of Santa's costumes, whether it was a single toy like this or a bag of presents.

      I like old (or at least old-fashioned) Christmas songs for the most part. My parents bought the John Denver Rocky Mountain Christmas record early in their marriage. We listened to it til the record wouldn't play anymore. Then we got the cassette. And CD. Now I force my kids to listen to the mp3s. My sister groans about it, but I insist we listen to it every year at my parents' house. She's more of a pop fan :)
