
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

December Paper Doll -- Mrs Claus, Outfit 7

First of all, today is a big day in our house.  My oldest son is 6 today.  It's crazy how quickly it goes by.  He was two when I started this blog, and his brother was a newborn.  I started doing this to fill the time while they napped.  Now, he's in Kindergarten and wants to be an artist like mommy and a scientist like daddy. I love my kiddos to pieces.  Happy birthday Noah :)

Anyway.... Mrs Claus needs some beach wear!

Let me just say, that hat was tough.  I'm still not totally happy with it but it'll do.  My maternal grandmother calls pants like these "clam diggers".  I don't know if that's actually a thing or not, but that's what I thought of while drawing these.  My two grandmothers could not be more different from each other, but that's a story for another day....!

If you're looking for the dolls, you can grab them here.


  1. yes, clam diggers! for wearing on the beach. i don't think people call them that anymore, but it's a term that's been around since at least the 40s (maybe earlier).

    love this and love the hat! hats really are hard. i struggle with them too.

    1. Hats are SO hard!! I always add flowers or feathers of something to cover up awkward sections.

      I'm glad clam diggers are actually a thing. My Nana was born in '42 and raised by her grandparents. Probably explains why she calls them that. I love this whole set, honestly!

  2. Hats are hard! I concur!

    My grandma calls them clam diggers too. Having dug clams, I feel that when I was doing it a set of heavy duty rainboots and some jeans were the right clothing to wear. Also gloves. Clams cam be kinda hard to grab bare handed. (Of course, this was Alaska and it was cold.)

    I love her basket of flowers. It's a beautiful accessory.

    1. I can't even imagine digging for clams in Alaska!! Coastal New England is plenty cold enough for me, thank you very much :)

      If you like her basket, wait til you see my nautical Mrs Claus. She has an accessory I love and plan on using again somewhere at some point!

  3. I remember my oldest sister calling them clam-diggers, but my friends and I called them pedal-pushers. Odd that only ten years can make such a difference in slang. For instance, she never called anything groovy! ;-)I love the hat!:-)

    1. Pedal pushers! I love it! My Nana sometimes calls them that, too. Ten years is a surprisingly long time. I have cousins who are ten years younger than me and it's like they're from a different planet!

      I'm glad you like that hat. That was a tough thing to draw and I'm happy it worked out as well as it did.
