
Monday, October 27, 2014

Technical difficulties and Halloweens Past

This post is a rant.  I'm just warning you all now!

I have had the worst two weeks as far as technology goes!! First, my cell phone broke. I can only charge it if it's off and the charge doesn't last as long as it should. I tried replacing the battery, then decided to order a new phone.  Fine.  No big deal -- cell phones are delicate and break, etc... Then my brand new Surface started acting up.  The folks at the Microsoft store were amazing and hooked me up with a new one.  They transferred my files & everything! Yay! Well, yay, expect that I can't seem to access my external drive now. Which just happens to be where I store all of my art files. I work on more than one computer and I am paranoid about losing my art, so I back up all of my files almost daily to a 1TB external hard drive.  Most of the time it works seamlessly.  Lately...not so much.

So to boil it down: I have a barely functioning phone, a computer that wasn't working but now IS working, without access to the files I want to use.

The Halloween wardrobe has obviously been postponed.  I will post one more page on Friday NO MATTER WHAT! Do you hear that, ye gods of technology?! These very nice people will get one more paper doll page! In the meantime, feel free to order the book {shameless self-promotion}.

If you're looking for some Halloween crafty fun this week, you can take a look at this post from 2013. These are Halloween paper craft movable dolls I developed a while ago.

There are lots of other amazing Halloween paper dolls & crafts out in the world, too.

Liana's Paper Dolls: She has some incredible Halloween costumes (and wonderful, elaborate stories) this year! Go check it out.

Paper Thin Personas: Although no specifically Halloween themed dolls, she always has the most incredible fantasy themed paper dolls.  Her site is meticulously organized and you can find loads of dolls to print -- both color & black and white.

Tricia-Rennea: This site has some cute paper dolls by Tricia-Rennea.  I've printed out several for my nieces, including the Halloween one and some of the winter one.  Very nice dolls, even if finding them on the site can be a bit clunky.

Miss Missy: She just posted a huge, 5 page Halloween themed black and white paper doll to color! You can find it here.

I will post a page to the Halloween paper doll set on Friday.  I will do so with sheer willpower if I must!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry for your technology troubles. I keep promising myself I will get a Halloween paper doll together.... I just have to do something other than a Vampire. I always seem to fall back on drawing a vampire.
