
Monday, April 8, 2024

Solar Eclipse Day Paper Doll!

 It's a big day for astronomy in the US! For the last few years, this solar eclipse has been on my radar (that's pretty punny...!). The path of totality is running right through northern Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine, crossing through a lot of places where I've lived or visited. So it feels kind of personal! We decided not to seek out the path of totality. Even in northeastern Massachusetts, where I am, it'll be impressive if not total.

Continuing in my haphazard "random holidays" paper doll series, I made a solar eclipse paper doll.

If you click on the image, it will enlarge to full-size and you can save it for printing.

I was inspired by a sewing pattern cover design. I keep a file of poses and paper dolls that I like and this one has been in there for a while. I just couldn't figure out what to do with it. But then the idea of a solar eclipse paper doll popped into my brain after the Leap Day paper doll. 

 My inspiration

My sketch, which I tweaked in Photoshop

Once I decided on a pose and idea, I had to figure out how to illustrate it. How can I visually express the idea of "solar eclipse"? My jumping off point was stars and moons, so I gathered together some celestial graphics that I had on hand. As I was drawing the base outfit, I kept thinking this is a young woman popping out of her yoga class to view the eclipse. The wardrobe came from that tiny bit of character background!

I started with a sketch on paper, adjusted it some in Photoshop, and then sent it over to Procreate. I spent a looooong time working on the face. It was really frustrating. There's a playfulness and energy to the sketch that just wasn't translating in Procreate. But I kept at it. In the end, I'm happy with it.

If you take her along to your solar eclipse viewing, I'd love to see it! We all have our special glasses and plan on watching from our backyard. 

Grab a PDF for printing over at Paperdoll Review!

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