
Monday, December 2, 2019

100 Days of Paper Dolls - sketches

I hope everyone in the US had a happy Thanksgiving! And that you're all safe from the snow... We spent it with my family - always a good time! I got a bit busy with family stuff and winter stuff, so I'm a bit behind. I have two 100 Days sheets to work on and the collaboration sheet. I may push the November one out to December and post them together.

Today's post is going to be a little different. I didn't get the the 100 Days sheets. My plan was to work on them today but we got hit with a foot of snow with more on the way! Our snowblower broke (it's fixable!!) so the boys & I went out to shovel what we could while my husband went to work.

And I sprained my right wrist.

It isn't terrible. I have a brace on it & I'm going to rest it. Should be fine in a day of two.  In the meantime, I can't do much. Drawing is pretty much out of the question and typing is not great.  So instead of pushing it, I'm going to post some sketches!

After I finished the first 50 days of the 100 Day project, I decided to take a break and draw a new doll. I started drawing it in ArtRage and this is a screenshot of that. I was not happy with it at all! So I abandoned it. Not every drawing is good. That's ok.

I took another break to work on other projects. At this point I discovered Sketchbook Pro. And I thought I'd experiment with that.  I found a pose I mostly liked and went from there.

An arm replacement....

Here's the sketch. I make it a point of pride NOT to trace. I add the reference image(s) to my file, draw, and then compare just the same way I do on paper.  I used a rough pencil tool to sketch and a pen tool to line.  This becomes my final image.

And here are the two dolls together. I wanted to make sure the poses were complimentary and the size of the two doll was similar.  I see mistakes in both but what artist doesn't?!

So that's a brief walk through. I'm hoping to get my sheets drawn and posted by the end of the week! Meanwhile, stay safe & warm. That's my plan!

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