
Friday, December 20, 2019

100 Days of Paper Dolls - Day 90

Wow day 90! Didn't think it would EVER happen but I'm glad I went back to it. Sometimes taking a break is a good thing!

The reason these last two sets were posted so close together is because I drew them back-to-back. I posted one, decided to keep drawing, and managed to pull together today's sheet in about two hours.  That was very speedy for sure!

Today's sheet coordinates with this sheet. Somewhere along the way my numbering and posting got a bit tangled up.  That's fine. It all worked out!

Because my previous sheet had kind of a '40s vibe, I did that with this one, too. Two more sheets to go and then it's on to coloring these!


  1. very nice. your paper dolls are amazing and have inspired me to open my own blog- one of the main things I share on it are paper dolls. so I just had to say thank you!

    1. Thanks so much!! It's an honor to inspire anyone, truly. Keep up the good work and have fun :)
