
Monday, June 25, 2018

June Paper Doll - Set 2

I have NOT abandoned this project! That's the first thing I want to say.

Secondly, June got busy! A field trip, two field days at school, a week of volunteering at the school, a kindergarten performance, Father's Day, a birthday, and two doctor visits and I am TIRED! The month really just got away from me.  OH! And two big paper doll projects that I'm still working on & I'll share as soon as they're ready.

My plan is to ramp up and get as much of the June doll ready & posted this week. There's also a collaboration set going up on Friday so look for that. In the meantime, here's the second June sheet:

The themes for this set were all over the place! "Fish" is a set of leggings. "Orange" is a crop top.  "Southwest" is a patterned top with turquoise accessories.  "Cookies" was a tough theme and I went with a patterned blouse.  "Stickers" was another tough one and I went with patches on a skirt - that's kind of a sticker, right?! And finally "peacock" is a crazy beaded flapper dress and matching headband.  That last one is easily my favorite on this sheet & I really should do a whole series of crazy beaded flapper dresses!

So look for loads of posts this week as I attempt to catch up!


  1. I've really been loving this whole project, but that peacock flapper dress may be my favorite so far. It's amazing! Thank you, and I'm so glad you haven't given up on this.

    1. Thanks!! I love this project, too, and in any previous year it probably would have been easy to keep up with. But this year my grandmother moved in with us & I'm her caretaker, my youngest started school, my oldest had some difficulties in school, I chose to volunteer at the school, my husband switched jobs and, oh yeah, I've had more PAYING projects than ever before!! All of which is great but doesn't give me nearly as much time as I once had :)

      I LOVE that peacock dress!!! I had no idea how I would tackle that theme and I am really, really happy with it!

  2. I love the peacock dress and the sticker skirt. Both are super cute and fun.
