Thursday, May 31, 2018

May Paper Doll - Set 4

It's the last day of May & I wanted to get at least one more of the May sets posted.  I have one more to go!! It's been a busy month and it's only getting busier! Time to get more organized....

The themes for this week were fun! First, "strawberry" is a retro shorts set.  "Mix" was a theme for January AND May - this time, I went with a patchwork jacket.  "Geometric" is a 1960s inspired color blocked dress.  "Brunch" was tough so I went with a light, airy California inspired off-shoulder top and linen pants.  "Palm" is a bathing suit that matches set 4's sarong skirt.  And "snail" is a cute purse.

I'm going to make every effort to get the last May set up quickly.  I've got a couple of other things I'm working on and summer vacation looming....! Ah! Back to drawing...

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