
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The Ecclectic Wardrobe of Josephine - Page 17

Anyone else watch Game of Thrones?  My husband and I watch it (so do my parents).  I read the first few books and encouraged my husband to watch it. Took a couple of tries, but now he's hooked, too.

Today's set is not specifically a Game of Thrones set but definitely inspired by it.  I'm totally on Team Daenerys :) The costume designers for Game of Thrones are amazing, but the costumes for Daenerys and her inner circle are far and away my favorite.  In the season premiere, Daenerys and her translator/friend/etc Missandei are gorgeous AND practical!! (You can see some images here -- I didn't check for spoilers, so enter at your own risk.)

Right-click to download and print

So Josephine isn't Daenerys.  But she'd fit in just fine!

Another influence for this week is the new Wonder Woman movie.  I enjoyed it; my husband did not.  I do have to agree with him that it was a bit over-hyped, and yet there's something about it that I really loved.  She's a super hero with heart, which sounds really trite and condescending and that's not what I mean at all. She cares.  It's about resolving conflict not seeking glory and I loved that.

Anyway, today's Josephine is all practical armor.  And I thought rose gold would be a nice change from shiny silver.

Let me know what you think! This one was fun -- it also took WAY longer than I anticipated so it's going up a little late today.  Look for more on Friday!


  1. Love these designs. Very fun.

  2. the curaisse (did i spell that right?) on this is just fabulous! what a beautiful job ~ and i love the color! : D
