
Friday, June 9, 2017

Tween Fashion Friday - Black and White Coloring Set 2

Ok, I need to confess: I spend WAY too much time online.  There.  That felt pretty good :)

Often, I run across awesome stuff.  Like this.  I will warn you now, you will lose half a day to this Google Arts & Culture site!! Totally worth it, though...

For today, I have a black and white tween set to download and print.  This one is a bit less summer appropriate, but I love her hair!

Right-click to download and print

What does everyone think of black & white sets? I don't usually color (my mother loves it....maybe I'm an outlier....) and so I rarely make black & white sets.  But if all of you are loving these sets, let me know.  I'll make more!


  1. I'm not a big colorer either, but my readers KEPT asking for black and white stuff. So, I started doing it. And, given how I work, it's really easy to just save a BW version before I color the color version.

    1. Agreed. My method lends itself to black & white fairly easily. i just forget to do it!

  2. i've always been a colorer, though not a very focused one (and i've already lamented my ability to actually see color or use it in interesting ways). but i really enjoy seeing the linework and imagining possibilities.

    like those awesome socks! i want to color them neon orange! : D

    1. I don't dislike coloring - it's more, why color when I can draw? If that makes any sense....!


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