Friday, April 28, 2017

Paper Doll Collaboration 2017 - Favorite Novels

I read a lot. I average about a book a week and most of those are fantasy & sci-fi.  History and art figure in there regularly, too.  Reading is something I've always found time for and just love, so this month's theme was something I was eager to complete!

Today I have two costumes for the collaboration paper doll based on the character of Claire in Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series.  These books have everything I could want: a modern, amazing woman, a gorgeous Scottish setting, time travel, and a compelling story.  Honestly, I hope she writes these books forever!

Also, the television adaptation has been amazing! I highly recommend it. (Can't quite say the same of The Magicians adaptation -- great books, great tv show, VERY little in common beyond the first few episodes of the first season...)

So for my Claire, I have her World War II field nurse's uniform and an 18th century daily wear sort of gown.  Her unruly curly hair goes with both.  I based both of these on the designs of Terry Dresbach, a wonderful costume designer who's having a bit of controversy at the moment.

Make sure you visit Paper Thin Personas, Pop Culture and Paper Dolls, and Miss Missy's paper dolls for more collaboration goodness :)


  1. this is awesome! i've never read the outlander series, but i know the basic gist of the story. perfect combination of her present-day and flashback costumes! well done! : D

    1. thanks! I love how every one else went the classic literature route and I went with the contemporary fantasy/quasi-romance route :)

      I regret nothing!

  2. I've never read Outlander, I don't think. I tried once, but I just couldn't get into it. Nothing wrong with going modern, my back up plan involved a Tanya Huff novel.

    1. I have never heard of Tanya Huff, but she seems like an author I should have known about & should probably check out!


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