
Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Eclectic Wardrobe of Josephine - Page 8

I was feeling a bit inspired this weekend and made a new Josephine sheet.  My first thought was to make a sheet of basics to mix & match with the existing sheets, like jeans, etc.  And then I ended up on Pinterest.

In wandering around Pinterest, I found some gorgeous doll clothing.  I also happened to find two outfits by the same doll designer! (There's also a really interesting interview here with a photo of her super-tidy studio...and I am very envious.)  My dress for Josephine is very, very vaguely based on two outfits (here and here).  I loved the idea of a flower covered 18th century inspired gown and fitted jacket.

Right-click to download and print

I thought about coloring this set in soft pastels and then found bright patterns in my collection that I liked better.  The blue pattern and the pink-yellow pattern really had nothing in common, so I created the striped border in order to join them together.

The flowers were a problem.  I tried using photorealistic flowers and it looked wrong.  Then I tried flat shapes and that looked wrong.  So then I did what I should have done in the first place: I drew my own flowers!! And wouldn't you know it...they were exactly what I wanted.

To finish things off, I created a powdered wig and modified an earlier headwrap with some flowers.

The jacket fits over the dress and the bodice is meant to fit over the dress as well.  It was a tight fit getting everything on one sheet!

If you're looking for the Josephine doll, it's here. And you can find other wardrobe sheets with the "Josephine" tag.


  1. Wow, this is gorgeous! I'm picturing a costume ball for some reason. :-) Those doll clothes are amazing! I always wished I had my mom's sewing skills.

    1. I wish I had ANY sewing skills! I guess that's why I draw :)

      This would be perfect for a costume ball. Love it!

  2. ha! that's such a sassy pose for this style, but josephine can definitely pull this off! love the head wrap and the roses down the front of the jacket. : D

    1. Oh yeah, she's super sassy. Not the ideal pose, but whatever. This is very much an experimental paper doll series!

      One of the things I loved about the doll clothing that inspired this set were the ribbon flowers. I wanted something like that in my images, too.

  3. Well, you weren't kidding about an eclectic wardrobe, were you? I love these. The colors are so rich and the patterns are really fun. Great addition.

    1. Yeah, this one's all over the place! I feel less pressure to create a cohesive set if I tell myself this is an experimental series. And this one might end up very experimental!
