
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The Eclectic Wardrobe of Josephine - Page 4

There are things I've always wanted to make for my paper dolls that I just never get around to.  Steampunk is one of those things. I'd really like to create a steampunk paper doll book sometime.  Til then, I have a steampunk wardrobe sheet for Josephine.

Right-click to download and print

I admit, I don't know a whole lot about steampunk.  I knew I wanted a dress, pants, lots of frills, leather, and some kind of metal.  Once I laid out the sketches, I had to make some changes so that I could fit two tops and two bottoms.  The vest on the right was supposed to have crazy huge sleeves on it but those had to go for the sake of space.

Next week's Josephine is a complete departure from this!

You can find the Josephine doll here.


  1. i can totally imagine what those sleeves would have looked like! but this is still awesome. because it's green, of course it looks Irish (whatever that means ~ hahaha). love the hat and boots as well!

    totally unexpected! : D

    1. I may revisit this and create a second page just for the sleeves! They were HUGE!

  2. I love how eclectic her wardrobe is. That's a lot of fun. I really enjoy drawing steampunk, but that's probably because I've always had a place in my soul for Victorian clothing.

    1. I'm a bit of a newbie to the steampunk aesthetic. I'd like to do more as I learn more.

      Her wardrobe is all over the place & it's a lot of fun to draw!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks! I have a gorgeous green velvet texture that I use any chance I get!
