
Monday, January 23, 2017

Paper Doll Collaboration 2017

Happy Monday everyone! There are a lot of new things going on this year and today, I'm posting the first part of yet another project.

Over the holidays, Rachel and Boots and I chatted about creating a collaborative paper doll project.  I gotta say, I wish group projects during my school days went this smoothly! We decided to create a black & white paper doll series using one body and with different faces.  We'll be posting a portion of each doll at the end of every month according to a theme.  If all goes well, there will be a massive paper doll at the end of the year! So yay for that!

We decided I would draw the base doll. That's actually one of my favorite parts of paper doll creation! I found a few reference photos and we settled on one from SenshiStock. I LOVE her poses and find her a constant source of inspiration.

With every project, I try to learn something or test something. This time around, I decided to test a paperless method.  So the doll was drawn in ArtRage and lined in Photoshop.  It's entirely digital.

This is the digital sketch.  It worked out a lot better than I had anticipated. I'll draw like this more, I think. It's easier than tracking down a sketch book!

The final drawing was inked in Photoshop.  It's something I'm still trying to perfect.

We'll each post our themed outfit on the last Friday of every month.  This month's theme is the year we were born.  Be sure to visit Paper Thin Personas for Rachel's doll and Pop Culture Paper Dolls for Boot's doll!


  1. yay! we're off and running! it's cool to see your original sketch for the doll.

    SenshiStock is a fabulous resource--though i don't use her stuff, i absolutely love it and wouldn't hesitate to do so if and when the right project came along.

    thanks for getting us started!

    1. SenshiStock is great. I've been looking for more poses lately. I noticed most of my paper dolls have the same pose more or less and it was time to change things up.

  2. Wow! very exciting! 3 of the best paper doll artists on the internet, this is going to be great! Thank you!

    1. YAY! I'm sure I speak for all three of us when I say we love the encouragement :)

  3. I love getting to see the first sketch. This is hopefully going to be fun!

    1. I'm just happy that my all-digital experiment is working. I'm almost ready to ditch paper completely.... Ok, not quite. But close!
