
Monday, December 19, 2016

December Angel Paper Doll - Day 19

Today I have a Mycenaean inspired angel costume.  I chose Mycenaean because one of the earliest mentions of angel ("messenger") is in an ancient Mycenaean document. I used Peacock's Chronicle of Western fashion as a reference, although honestly, I'm not sure what the difference is between Mycanean and Minoan.

Right-click to download and print

My costume is based on one of the images here.  I really liked the colors.  Also, I chose NOT to have an open front jacket for, I think, obvious reasons.  This outfit isn't meant to be an accurate historical interpretation, just something pretty based on some interesting art.

We're super busy here -- just a few days til Christmas and my kids are super excited! More outfits to come!


  1. the only thing i know about Minoans is that they jumped over bulls for sport. hahaha

    love the color scheme!

    1. I don't have a good grasp on ancient cultures. Just never bothered, I guess! Someday maybe....

  2. I love this color scheme. It reminds me of Mexican pottery colors. The only things I know about the Mycanean and Minoan cultures is that they used two different languages. Vague things one recalls from Linguistics in college.

    1. The colors do have a Mexican vibe now that you mention it. If it matters to you, the word "angel" first shows up in Linear B. I never took linguistics and don't know if that's important or not. It's now a random fact I know and I'll probably remember forever for no good reason!
