
Friday, December 16, 2016

December Angel Paper Doll - Day 16

And now, for something completely different!

Today's outfit is pretty much the complete opposite of yesterday's.  In The Chronicle of Western Fashion, there's a plate that's identified as a Renaissance Portuguese queen. I'm not sure which one it was because there's almost no reference in the book to exactly what the sources were. That's fine. I did my own thing anyway.

Right-click to download and print

I liked the black & gold color scheme. My black is a more maroon/reddish black. The elaborate Renaissance gown wasn't too difficult to make once I created a couple of brushes and patterns from an old Adobe Illustrator pattern swatch.  When Adobe moved from the CS versions to the CC versions, they got rid of a bunch of pattern swatches and it annoys me.  I don't have all the legacy swatches & never backed them up off of my old (now extinct) computer.  I mean, they were default swatches - I never expected them to disappear! Ok, ok, rant over!

Anyway, I know the color scheme is a bit dark, but I really like it.  Let me know what you think! I'll have something brighter for tomorrow!


  1. the dark tone looks very cocoa to me, but i think it's beautiful. and i love how you gave the skirt a little flare there. : D

    1. I didn't even think of cocoa but yeah, I can see it now.

      I couldn't even begin to do something this complex by hand. SO glad I have Illustrator!

  2. My big issue with Peacock is that he never cites his sources. Having said that, I love this dress and the style is definitely late 1500s early 1600s. Really beautiful work.

    1. Yeah, that's one of my gripes, too. His drawings are so loose that I'd really like to see his original sources. You'd think with a background in art history, I'd just look up the sources myself but I don't always feel up to it!
