
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

December Angel Paper Doll - Day 14

Some days, I have something profound things to say about the day's outfit.  Sometimes, I don't.  Today falls more into that latter category!

Today's angel outfit is inspired by ancient Greek clothing.  The word "angel" is related to a Late Greek word ἄγγελος ángelos. Also, Nike looks a bit like an angel and I liked that, too. But really, I just wanted to try drawing beautiful drapery in Illustrator...which is harder than it looks!

Right-click to download and print

I didn't want a bright white color scheme for my Greek inspired outfit. It felt both cliche and inaccurate.  Most of those ancient bright white statues probably weren't bright white when they were created.  So I went with red and gold for my Greek inspired angel.

Let me know what you think! And, again, there will be more tomorrow!


  1. Wow. The drape on this dress is really amazingly well done. I love the color scheme as well. It feels warm and cozy, which is an odd thing to say about a color scheme.

    1. Thank you!! That drape was a challenge. When I sketched it, it took like a minute to draw. When I hand to render it in Illustrator, it took much, much longer. Totally worth the effort!

  2. definitely like the richness of the color scheme ~ it's very "holiday". and another cool hairstyle/ tiara combo. it's amazing how much the headwear can change the whole look of the doll.

    1. I love the colors, too. The hair pieces are probably the most challenging part of this series. It's partly why each hairstyle has a halo included. It bugs me when paper dolls don't function correctly, so I really strive for that in my sets!
