
Friday, November 4, 2016

Thanksgiving Fashion Paper Doll - Mercy

It's November.  In my town, Christmas lights have been available at the stores since September.  Seriously.  They were out before Labor Day and out at the same time as back-to-school stuff.  That's a bit too early, in my opinion.

So to honor the much-overlooked American holiday of Thanksgiving, I'm creating a Thanksgiving family.  Three of the dolls will go up on Fridays and the last one will go up on Thanksgiving Day.

I love that little turkey illustration! It's one of my favorite illustrations.  (It's also my best-selling fabric design on Spoonflower. I guess other people like it, too!!)  If you're looking to mix & match Mercy with other sets, Sage is perfect. I'm not sure if it's time to revive the Paper Jane dolls at the Etsy shop or not....we'll see, I guess.

In December, I'll have the angel paper doll ready to go.  I still have 8 or 10 slots left, so if you have a request, I'd love to hear it!

Next week we'll have another Thanksgiving set!


  1. Love the vintage feel of these outfits and I can see why that turkey is popular. He's super cute!

    1. I wanted her to have a "work" outfit and a "hostess" outfit. That's generally how I am at Thanksgiving. I honestly have a vintage style apron that I only wear on Thanksgiving!

  2. love the turkey pattern! at first glance i didn't see it, but that's what makes it so great: it's subtle and fun!

    1. One of the things I love about Illustrator is the ability to really tweak patterns. I tried the turkey pattern a little larger and didn't like it. Tiny was the way to go this time!

  3. I am a special education teacher and I was looking for paper dolls with current fashions for my middle school girls to use to indicate what clothes they need to wear for different types of weather. These are perfect! Thanks

    1. I'm so glad you like these :) There are plenty of dolls on the site to choose from. And if you ever need anything custom made, I have an Etsy site, too!
