
Friday, May 20, 2016

Toddler Fashion Friday - Maybelle

It was my birthday this week.  I'm an adult (well, marginally....I mean I still play with dolls!!) so the day was rather uneventful. My sister took me out for coffee & my family took me out for dinner.  Rather a nice way to spend a day, honestly.

I try to make a birthday edition paper doll.  Last year, I featured a commission. In 2014, I created a Deanna Troi paper doll and in 2013, I made a series of Star Trek uniform paper dolls.  And in 2012...well, I started this blog in June of that year so no birthday doll then.  Despite all of these projects, I've never actually made a birthday themed paper doll!

I've been creating patterns in Illustrator like crazy lately. (You can see an overview of one way that I make patterns here.) So for this doll, I created a balloon pattern.  I was a bit stumped about colors until I searched ColourLovers.  This palette popped up & it's amazing!!  I named her Maybelle because I wanted to incorporate the word May but not just call her May.  It seemed like a cute little name, so I went with it.

When I get a minute, I might make a boy birthday doll.  I've been loving the toddler dolls lately and that'll probably continue for a while...


  1. Colourlovers is one of my favorite sources for color palettes. I use it all the time and I use it make them too. It's so fun!

    Anyway, Happy Birthday! Mine is in May too. Also, I love the paper doll. Her balloon patterned skirt is just fantastic.

    1. Patterns are my favorite thing right now. The paper dolls have become an excuse to make more patterns!

      And happy May birthday to you :) I don't really care all that much about my birthday, but my boys enjoy celebrating it.

  2. Love this one! Unfortunately my printer is out of colored ink at the moment which stinks. But I was able to turn it into an outline in for coloring :).

    -Ellen- (aka aynfarika)

    1. I'm glad you love it! I know the feeling -- my printer is out of colored ink, too, and I've been too lazy to replace it! I'll have to get on that before summer vacation starts up so I can print out activities for the kids.

      Thanks for the birthday wishes :)

  3. I love your site! I'd like to use some of the younger doll for Operation Christmas Child boxes. This "project" has sent shoe boxes of toys, school needs, and hygiene need to children around the world who have nothing.I believe over 1 million boxes have been delivered. This is not a money making thing for anyone. Little kids would love these precious dolls!

    1. Hi there! Feel free to print up & send the paper dolls. I really appreciate you asking :) Sounds like a fantastic project.

      If you're looking for custom paper dolls or larger sets, I also have an Etsy shop:
